Top 5 facts about hydration
According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry;
- The brain and heart consist of 73% water
- The lungs 83%
- The skin 64%
- The muscles and kidneys 79%
- The bones 31%
You should drink water every day. The human body comprises around 60% water. It is recommended that we drink around 8 glasses (240ml per glass) of water per day. However, different people need different amounts of water to stay hydrated.
Today we will explore the top 5 facts about water hydration and productivity.
FACT 1: Several Factors Affect Hydration
We are all different and unique and therefore our needs and levels of hydration often fluctuate. There are a number of factors that may influence hydration:
Age:The elderly population are more vulnerable to dehydration due to the physiological changes that happen as a part of the ageing process. This includes a reduction in the sensation of thirst and renal function. It is therefore important to ensure older adults are drinking regularly, even if the feeling of thirst is not present.
Exercise:We lose a lot of water through sweat production when we exercise, so it is important that we replaced this during and after exercise, resulting in an increased daily consumption above the normal 6–8 glasses
Weather:Similarly in hotter summer months, we also lose more water due to sweat production. It is important that we replace this through drinking more water or alternatives to water to keep us feeling happy and healthy.
Alcohol:Consuming alcohol causes our body to pass more urine that normal which can lead to dehydration. It is therefore important to limit alcohol consumption to on or below the government guidelines of 14 units per week, with several drink free days. Also, when consuming alcohol, ensure you are making a conscious effort to drink water too to maintain hydration.
Illness:If you have experienced any vomiting or diarrhoea, this can lead to dehydration due to loss of fluids.

FACT 2: Any Drink Promotes Hydration
Any drink will help to promote hydration. While plain water is best for staying hydrated, other drinks count towards our total fluid intake too; milk, fruit juice, herbal and fruit teas, and soft drinks are all over 85% water and can be included in total fluid intake.
Even caffeinated drinks (for example, coffee, tea, and soft drinks) can contribute to your daily water intake. However, with caffeinated drinks, it is important to be aware that they are a diuretic and can cause our body to produce urine more quickly, which can be counterintuitive when we are trying to keep our bodies hydrated.
FACT 3: There are Several Ways To Stay Hydrated
Sometimes it can be hard to remember to keep sipping, especially when you’re busy at work, running from meeting to meeting. Here are some of the best ways to stay hydrated without consciously reminding yourself to reach for your bottle!
Add flavour:Dilute water with cordial – be aware of the sugar content in some cordials though as this will increase the calories within the drink. Look to buy low sugar cordials or add fruit to your drinks for natural flavouring. If you don’t like the taste of plain water, try adding a slice of lemon or lime to your drink.
Drink teas:If you enjoy hot drinks, you can aim to hydrate yourself by drinking normal, flavoured or fruit teas. The non-caffeinated options of these are particularly suited to the evening, as it ensures the tea won’t affect the quality of your sleep.
Always carry a water bottle with you:Invest in a reusable water bottle and always have it with you. The presence of the bottle will be a useful reminder to keep drinking throughout the day and allows you constant access to fluids as you go about your normal daily routine. You can fill it up using your water machine in the office or on the go.
Download a water reminder app:There are many apps today as well that can help people track down your water intake such as MyFitnessPal and My Water Balance. You can use to set up reminder notifications that urge you to drink at regular intervals throughout the day.
Use your mealtimes as a reminder to drink:If you create the habit of having a glass of water before a meal and another as you eat, this will allow you to keep on top of your hydration levels. Thirst is often confused with hunger. True hunger will not be satisfied by drinking water. Drinking water may also contribute to a healthy weight-loss plan. Some research suggests that drinking water can help you feel full.
Eat your water:During the winter months you could make fresh soups as these are high in water content, avoiding those that are cream based. In the summer months ice lollies and low sugar jellies are a great source of water too. Many of the fruits and vegetables we eat also have a high-water content, for example cucumber, celery, tomatoes, and melon.

FACT 4: Hydration Improves Productivity In The Workplace
Water has the power to help make your business more profitable too, which is highlighted in the following statistics:
- Hydration increases productivity by 37.5% of 80% of the workforce
- This equals a 30% productivity improvement across businesses
- Staff wages are av. 30% of GP, a 30% increase in productivity is a 30% decrease in the wage bill
- A 30% decrease in the staff wage bill equates to a 45% increase in net profit
- Staff turnover reduces to 6% - worked on the average recruitment fees, this increases NP by a further 3%
- Businesses with hydrated staff deliver, on average, 48% better net profit
FACT 5: Water Is Trendy
In the parts of the world that are fortunate enough to have access to clean drinking water, certain trends are blooming. Below the three most dominating drinking water trends.
Quality Of Water: Quality is trending. Anywhere, anytime. Also, in tap water consumption where more and more individuals want their drinking water to be the very best it can be. Safe and soft. Free from contaminants and compounds such as lime that hardens the water
More and more are choosing to filter their tap water. In fact, the global water purifier market size was estimated at 25.71 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach 45 billion by 2027, indicating a significant rise in the demand for water purifiers
Sustainability is Key: Although consumption of plastic-bottled water has been growing by more than 10% a year over the last decade, a wave of more responsible voices is gaining ground. In general, the increased awareness of sustainability is naturally infiltrating consumption habits on all levels including how we drink and perceive water.
Plastic bottles are responsible for a major part of the Environmental Crises on the world currently. Although these 19,5 litre bottles can be reused many times, they need to be transported and back and forth and consume circa. 12 litres of clean drinking water to clean the bottle every time it is returned.
Because people are aware of plastic pollution and how water bottles contribute, more people change their habits from commoditized plastic bottles to being conscious about what they drink. The trend is tap water or filtered tap water for hydration and plastic bottled water only if you have to.
People are more health conscious: Keeping up with a healthy lifestyle requires safe and healthy water. With the health aspect gaining traction, we recognize water as more than something we need to stay alive – it’s also essential for us to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Water Options From Selecta: Selecta offers a highly differentiated portfolio through a preferred partnership with Borg & Overström. The portfolio is based on a clear segmentation, so we can offer you the best solution to your needs.

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